Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can we make laugh about anything? part II

Here is a brand new video! Jamel Debbouze is a french comedian (again!), and we have heard a lot about him those days because of his action: he participates to a campaign to encourage the work for handicapped people. Maybe quite shoking for some of you, maybe useflu, more than any speech...

Enjoy. And comment. React. Or not.


  1. Never seen that ad before and I like it. I heard on the radio Jamel took part of this campaign a few days ago and was curious about it.

    Wether you like him or not, I find it pretty difficult to diss Jamel for he's so involved in so many significant actions. At least he's not the just "one funny guy", this man's got a heart too, and definitely knows how to use his popularity for the good causes.

    Well he also knows how to use his popularity to get the prettiest ladies as well haha. Damn his wife is a beauty.

    Well this could be another topic for a next-to-come publication of yours : does humour help you nail the hot chicks and guys? :)

  2. Well, Jamel is involved in this campaign, but would you still think he's a great man if I told you that the amount of money he received for that ad is "unknow", as they says?
    I still do. It does'nt matter, after all, for him it's a job he was'nt obliged to do. What I mean by that is he wasn't obliged to show his handicap as he never did before (Is my sentence correct? certainly not... )
    I will try to find the other video, which is perhaps more shoking...

  3. I found this advertising very interesting. I didn't know Jamel was involved in a campain for handicaped people. If he earns money for that it doesn't shock me. Jamel is a success story by himself. He is handicaped, comes from an humble background and he is a famous actor. It gives hope to lots of people !

  4. Maybe I am a too cynical person, but I didn't this video really shoking.

    In some way, it makes me feel a Monthy Python touch, because the absurdity of the situation (I mean It is my type of humour).

    By the way, what kind of society is agefiph? I mean, if it is a private company, I don't think it is shoking to earn money by doing such a commercial.

  5. i thought the commercial was pretty funny! I agree with Cedric that it's a bit Monty Python.

    Camille I think you sentence is OK! I guess you mean that he didn't have to reveal anything unknown about his own handicap?

  6. Exactly... Well, I suppose it means that I can speak/write english! I am so happy!! Manchester, here I come!
    Thanks, David

  7. This video is not chocking compared too some other ones, on which we can actualy see his own handicap:


    I think what he did is very courageous,showing something that might be embarassing for him, as he usually hides it.

    I don't care if he earned some money, because like Marilena said, he deserves it and deserves to be where he is now.

    That video is very funny
    "ça fait plaisir!"

    xx caro xx
