Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The come back

Here we are! We are back, after a long long time spent working so seriously, reading didactic books, but finally we are still alive....
Well; I suppose I should tell you the truth: great shiny holidays in Bergerac, eating foie gras, drinking Montbazillac and...listening to Daniel Morin, of course!

Some of you have problems with the links, and can't listen to the chronicles. So I will try to put you some videos of other comedians like the famous Ricky Gervais, for example. But I have to write about Daniel Morin, because it's been awhile since I told you about him. (don't worry, it's gonna be quite short!)

This is about his vision of our president. I am sure that humor is a strange but very efficient way to bring up serious subjects. Nicolas Sarkozy is called "our emperor Nicolas the first"... Obviously this is not innocent, but a cynical way to denounce the behaviour of the president. It is both cynical AND personnal, but it certainly proves that you can say a lot of things with humor, and then make people think about them more seriously. Funny but disturbing. And this could be very dangerous. You can agree, or not. But next time I would like to write about this danger with the exemple of Dieudonné.

And that brings us back to the first question: Can we make laugh about everything? Certainly not.

But for now, let's laugh a bit: Do you know how Daniel Morin called Her Majesty the Queen of England, last time? "Pudding Grandma". ANd I found it very, very funny! (perhaps because I am actually dumb).


  1. i'm probably just as dumb as you are, then.



  2. p.s. camille, you can take 'make' out of your quaestion - "can we laugh about anything?"

  3. "...about everything" sorry

    or you could say "can we make jokes about everything?"

  4. Hey, what the hell is a quaestion, David?
    Ha ha ha...
