Sunday, March 22, 2009

To carry on with the subject: can we make laugh about everything?

Here is a good example to discuss about, I think!
This is a sketch of Pierre Desproges who said: "We can laugh about everything but not with everybody!"

You have to know that we can't see this sketch everywhere. France 2 had to wait one in the morning to broadcast it.
Do you think we need to know who is Pierre Desproges and what is his type of humor to understand that is not anti-Semitic? Or maybe, you think this is anti-Semitic?
What's the difference between this sketch and what Dieudonné said?
Do you think that someone has to be jewish to be able to make laugh about Jews?
In a general way, can we only make laugh about what we are (religion, politics...)?
Enjoy or not. React!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can we make laugh about anything? part II

Here is a brand new video! Jamel Debbouze is a french comedian (again!), and we have heard a lot about him those days because of his action: he participates to a campaign to encourage the work for handicapped people. Maybe quite shoking for some of you, maybe useflu, more than any speech...

Enjoy. And comment. React. Or not.

Ricky Gervais

David, you were right... He IS funny!

The come back

Here we are! We are back, after a long long time spent working so seriously, reading didactic books, but finally we are still alive....
Well; I suppose I should tell you the truth: great shiny holidays in Bergerac, eating foie gras, drinking Montbazillac and...listening to Daniel Morin, of course!

Some of you have problems with the links, and can't listen to the chronicles. So I will try to put you some videos of other comedians like the famous Ricky Gervais, for example. But I have to write about Daniel Morin, because it's been awhile since I told you about him. (don't worry, it's gonna be quite short!)

This is about his vision of our president. I am sure that humor is a strange but very efficient way to bring up serious subjects. Nicolas Sarkozy is called "our emperor Nicolas the first"... Obviously this is not innocent, but a cynical way to denounce the behaviour of the president. It is both cynical AND personnal, but it certainly proves that you can say a lot of things with humor, and then make people think about them more seriously. Funny but disturbing. And this could be very dangerous. You can agree, or not. But next time I would like to write about this danger with the exemple of Dieudonné.

And that brings us back to the first question: Can we make laugh about everything? Certainly not.

But for now, let's laugh a bit: Do you know how Daniel Morin called Her Majesty the Queen of England, last time? "Pudding Grandma". ANd I found it very, very funny! (perhaps because I am actually dumb).

Monday, March 2, 2009


This is just to tell you not to worry, we are not dead, and you will soon have new posts, new links... But there is one more resting day, so you have to be patient!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here is a video of another humorist, Stephane Guillon. I think that most of you already know him, like him or not, but I find him really funny. Another example of our freedom of speech.

Seriously. And I mean it.

Today I would like to write something more serious. Not because I have to, but just to prove that it is not because we chose to write about a fun chronicle that we can't think about it. So this is about humour.

Can we laugh about everything? And why do we want to laugh? I don't think there is a real answer, even if I am aware that we can't make fun of every subject. Some of them are quite delicate, like religion, diseases, and so on. How could we decide to laugh or not? Can I make fun of my grandmother even if she is in a wheelchair? Is it shocking for you? You are maybe right, if it is. But My grand mother is laughing with me, and sometimes, it is just the best solution to accept some situations. It is the way I chose to deal with this fucking thing. Shocking? I don't care.

And Daniel Morin? Shocking? How could he be so cynic?
The world is a mess, nowadays: wars, crisis, everything (or at least, a lot of things) is getting worst and worst. Humour is a good way to protect ourselves. Of course, we could be serious all the time, but then I would surely kill myself, or at least try to.
We, lucky frenchies, are living in a free country, and should feel thankful for that. Daniel Morin would'nt be allowed to talk about our president, in some other states. I would'nt even try to write this, in the way I do.

Laughing is a good thing, and if people like Daniel Morin are putting a smile upon our faces when we are walking our way to the subway, then maybe life would be better and better. At least, when I see someone laughing for no reason, it just..makes me smile. And it shines all day long.

Now you can listen to the chronicle, and please, have fun. It is the greatest way to face the world.




I don't want to be serious, and I claim, yes, I claim that I am not afraid: I don't want to be respectable, I don't want to care about things I can't manage, I just want to feel as young as possible, as "devil-may-care" as I can be. Yes I am a child, a real one, and I'm always laughing while listening Daniel Morin's chronicles. Blame it on me.

It is not politically correct, but you have to admit it is just so... grrrreat! ( You have to pronounce the "great" with a welsh accent, of courrrse).

STOOOOP! I have to write sth about today's chronicle. Daniel Morin, always hilarious, talks about his colleagues, and no, it is definitely not correct, and non sense, again.
If you don't know Stephane Bern, or Didier Porte, as known as The Royalist and the Communist ( grrreat (!) team, isn't it?), please listen to the fabulous songs, performed by the woman's servant, DM. After listening, believe me, you won't need to search on Google to know more about them: all is in the song.

That is poetry: everything, in a few words...

Morality: If Daniel Morin is your god, please be sure your public has a grrreat ( I had to do it again...) sense of humour before singing a song on his way. I am actually thinking of a song... a professor song. Would'nt it be .... grrreat?

Here is the link.

Enjoy. And comment. React. Or not.
As usual.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One more thing

You just have to click on the headphones drawing which is on the right of the France Inter website to listen the chronicle

Today's chronicle

Here today's link: http//
Daniel Morin talks about ecology but not in a politically correct way! In a world where everybody is concerned about ecology, it's good to hear someone who laughs about it!
Isn't it?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And I forgot...

Don't look after Bobonne... Today she is Daniel's "pouliche". That is so cute!

Seriously, just one more thing: Links are only available one week, I think, but you can find them on France inter's website. You are supposed to be learned in new technologies, so you will find.

Yes you can. (Ha ha ha).

today's chronicle is about...

...quite nonsense, as ususal, or "how to react when your chronicle is about a wrong person?".
So here is "Line Attali", quite hard to imagine, this mix: a 80 years old dancing actress ( no, that is not a way to say prost...., she is actually very respectable), and a serious (boring?) economist writer politic adviser ... Nevermind.

That is a great subject to begin a real funny chronicle. Daniel Morin keeps on with the story of his last evening, and believe me, you have to listen, because it is just so... intercultural! The question is: how can we spend so much time watching stupid things on tv, especially on TF1, the best channel ever ( is it a joke?)? And worst: how can we feel so concerned?

Thank you Daniel, or may I call you Danny, for making me feel so...normal.

You invisible and silent readers would surely excuse my nonsense post, but it is just to stay in the chronicle's mood. I am quite aware it is quite boring but I am tired.

Oh my god (and I mean that!)!!!! I am watching tv while writing, and I just saw an incredible, amazing, wonderful ad: did you know that you can buy a great LP? 3 priests singing beautiful songs. I had to share this, even if it is absolutely not the subject..

So here is the link (to the chronicle, not the ad):

Enjoy. And comment. React. Or not.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today we have learned that a blog is a personnal website. Well, it is. Lonely AND personnal site. Help, we're alone. Lost. Where is Bobonne?


Today's chronicle:

Enjoy. And comment. React. Or not.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where Can you find a link?

We'll try to post you the daily link, if we don't die because of our homeworks, of course.
So, enjoy the 21st january chronicle, and try to visualize "bobonne"...

(You can also go to, and listen to the previous chronicles. )

Where does he work?

He's working on France Inter radio, he has a five minutes chronicle every morning!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why do we want to talk about Daniel Morin?

That's the question!! Did you ever hear one of his chronicles? You should! Hilarious, and so cynical... So we're gonna try to make you discover the terror of our president...

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome.... Daniel Morin!!